Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Close Encounters Of The Third Kind

Nothing beats a good 70's/80's Spielberg film, particularly ones about alien invasions! and 'Close Encounters of The Third Kind' (1977, Spielberg) didn't disappoint. With a budget of $18 million, it grossed over $300,000,000 !
The first signs to suggest alien life forms occur with an arrival of pilotless planes that went missing thirty years previously appear and a lost cargo ship materialises in the Gobi desert. This is followed with a series of blackouts in Muncie, Indiana.

The aliens are first seen by 3 year old Barry Guiler, who is woken by his toys moving in the night. They are then encountered by electrician Roy Neary who becomes obsessed with investigating these UFO's. The story follows the abduction of Barry, and the obsession of Roy's plan to discover the aliens, eventually ending in a musical conversation that results in a meeting between the humans and aliens.

As with 'ET' ( 1982, Spielberg), Spielberg sets much of the film at night. The unknown of the darkness implying a sense of mystery surrounding the aliens. The bright lights of the UFOs being out of place in the previously peaceful darkness of the night. Further to this, the audience never sees the aliens until the big reveal! (Sorry for any spoilers!) and it is implied that only Barry has seen them, the night he was woken up by his toys playing on their own.

During the communication scene, Spielberg creates energy in a variety of ways. Firstly, the music played by the humans gradually gets faster and faster. This increased pace helps to build energy and excitement, a sense of anticipation as to how the aliens will react. The use of lighting and colour also helps to create energy. The flashing lights of the spaceship are warm colours, implying that these aliens are friend not foe. The use of music as communication also creates a happy atmosphere, the music is oddly uplifting, creating a sense of excitement as it seems the human race are about to take a step forward, they have made an incredible discovery, giving the feel of a typical entertaining family Spielberg film.

Although the aliens themselves perhaps could have been a little more creative and perhaps a little more believable! the warming meeting of the two races creates a feeling of peace, perhaps a theme Spielberg likes to explore as there are similar feelings towards extra terrestrials displayed in 'ET' which was released 5 years later.

My favourite movies are late 70's/80's family productions. They are imaginative and easy to watch as well as generally being upbeat and enjoyable and Close encounters fits this category perfectly!

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